Planning Committee - Wednesday 7 March 2018, 1:00pm - Slides Tab - Flintshire County Council Webcasts
Planning Committee
Wednesday, 7th March 2018 at 1:00pm
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Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Cllr David Wisinger
Ms. Emma Hancock
Ms. Sue Thomas
Cllr Marion Bateman
Cllr Carol Ellis
Cllr David Wisinger
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of Interest
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Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Carol Ellis
Mr Matthew Georgiou
Cllr Carol Ellis
Cllr Carol Ellis
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Derek Butler
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Neville Phillips
Cllr Neville Phillips
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Christine Jones
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Owen Thomas
Cllr David Wisinger
Agenda item :
3 Late Observations
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Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Matthew Georgiou
Cllr David Wisinger
Agenda item :
4 Minutes
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Cllr David Wisinger
Mr David Glyn Jones
Cllr Mike Peers
Mr Andrew Farrow
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Patrick Heesom
Mr Andrew Farrow
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Matthew Georgiou
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Dave Hughes
Cllr David Wisinger
Agenda item :
5 Items to be deferred
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Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Andrew Farrow
Cllr David Wisinger
Agenda item :
6 Reports of Chief Officer (Planning and Environment)
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Agenda item :
7 057689 - Full Application – Erection of 4 No. detached dwellings at Dovedale, Alltami Road, Buckley.
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Cllr David Wisinger
Ms. Emma Hancock
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Public Speaker
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Matthew Georgiou
Cllr David Wisinger
Public Speaker
Cllr Carol Ellis
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Mike Peers
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Patrick Heesom
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Richard Jones
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Matthew Georgiou
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Derek Butler
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Owen Thomas
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Matthew Georgiou
Cllr David Wisinger
Ms. Emma Hancock
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Andrew Roberts
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Andrew Farrow
Ms. Mandy Lewis
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Matthew Georgiou
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Richard Jones
Mr Andrew Roberts
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Richard Lloyd
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Andrew Roberts
Mr Matthew Georgiou
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Derek Butler
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Agenda item :
8 057808 - Application for Approval of Reserved Matters Appearance, Layout, Scale, Landscaping and Access for the Erection of 6 Dwellings Following Outline Approval (052887) at 31 Welsh Road, Garden City.
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- 057808 - Application for Approval of Reserved Matters Appearance, Layout, Scale, Landscaping and Access for the Erection of 6 Dwellings Following Outline Approval (052887) at 31 Welsh Road, Garden City.
- Enc. 1 for 057808 - Application for Approval of Reserved Matters Appearance, Layout, Scale, Landscaping and Access for the Erection of 6 Dwellings Following Outline Approval (052887) at 31 Welsh Road, Garden City.
Cllr David Wisinger
Ms. Emma Hancock
Public Speaker
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Matthew Georgiou
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Christine Jones
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Derek Butler
Ms. Sue Thomas
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Owen Thomas
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Richard Jones
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Ms. Emma Hancock
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Agenda item :
9 057898 - Full Application - Erection of Advanced Manufacturing and Research Institute (AMRI) Facility at Airbus, Chester Road, Broughton.
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Cllr Derek Butler
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr David Glyn Jones
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr David Glyn Jones
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr David Glyn Jones
Cllr Richard Lloyd
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Derek Butler
Cllr David Wisinger
Agenda item :
10 057514 - Full Application - Erection of Railings Along the Southern Boundary at Hawkesbury Hall, Mill Lane, Buckley.
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Mr Daniel McVey
Mr Daniel McVey
Cllr David Wisinger
Public Speaker
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Public Speaker
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Carol Ellis
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Mike Peers
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Neville Phillips
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Derek Butler
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Evans
Cllr Richard Jones
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Richard Lloyd
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Kevin Hughes
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Andrew Roberts
Cllr David Wisinger
Ms. Sue Thomas
Mr Daniel McVey
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Neville Phillips
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Neville Phillips
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Agenda item :
11 057295 - Listed Building Application for the Installation of Railings to South Boundary at Hawkesbury Hall, Mill Lane, Buckley.
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Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Ms. Sue Thomas
Mr Daniel McVey
Cllr David Wisinger
Public Speaker
Cllr Carol Ellis
Cllr Carol Ellis
Cllr Carol Ellis
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Richard Jones
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Derek Butler
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr Marion Bateman
Cllr David Wisinger
Mr Matthew Georgiou
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Ms. Sue Thomas
Mr Daniel McVey
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Cllr David Wisinger
Agenda item :
12 055871 - Appeal by Mr. P. Edwards Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for the Improvements and Extension to Farm Track, Layout of Hardstanding for the Parking and Manoeuvring of Vehicles, Improvement of Toilet, Washing and Bathing Facilities, Provision of Hook Ups for Potential Visitors (Including a Grey Water Disposal Point) and Landscaping (In Retospect) at Ynys Hir Farm, Picton Road, Picton, Holywell - ALLOWED.
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- 055871 - Appeal by Mr. P. Edwards Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for the Improvements and Extension to Farm Track, Layout of Hardstanding for the Parking and Manoeuvring of Vehicles, Improvement of Toi
- Enc. 1 for 055871 - Appeal by Mr. P. Edwards Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for the Improvements and Extension to Farm Track, Layout of Hardstanding for the Parking and Manoeuvring of Vehicles, Improve
Mr Andrew Farrow
Ms. Mandy Lewis
Cllr David Wisinger
- Planning minutes - 07.02.18 Final (English), opens in new tab
- 057689 - Full Application – Erection of 4 No. detached dwellings at Dovedale, Alltami Road, Buckley., opens in new tab
- Enc. 1 for 057689 - Full Application – Erection of 4 No. detached dwellings at Dovedale, Alltami Road, Buckley., opens in new tab
- 057808 - Application for Approval of Reserved Matters Appearance, Layout, Scale, Landscaping and Access for the Erection of 6 Dwellings Following Outline Approval (052887) at 31 Welsh Road, Garden City., opens in new tab
- Enc. 1 for 057808 - Application for Approval of Reserved Matters Appearance, Layout, Scale, Landscaping and Access for the Erection of 6 Dwellings Following Outline Approval (052887) at 31 Welsh Road, Garden City., opens in new tab
- 057898 - Full Application - Erection of Advanced Manufacturing and Research Institute (AMRI) Facility at Airbus, Chester Road, Broughton., opens in new tab
- Enc. 1 for 057898 - Full Application - Erection of Advanced Manufacturing and Research Institute (AMRI) Facility at Airbus, Chester Road, Broughton., opens in new tab
- 057514 - Full Application - Erection of Railings Along the Southern Boundary at Hawkesbury Hall, Mill Lane, Buckley., opens in new tab
- Enc. 1 for 057514 - Full Application - Erection of Railings Along the Southern Boundary at Hawkesbury Hall, Mill Lane, Buckley., opens in new tab
- 057295 - Listed Building Application for the Installation of Railings to South Boundary at Hawkesbury Hall, Mill Lane, Buckley., opens in new tab
- Enc. 1 for 057295 - Listed Building Application for the Installation of Railings to South Boundary at Hawkesbury Hall, Mill Lane, Buckley., opens in new tab
- 055871 - Appeal by Mr. P. Edwards Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for the Improvements and Extension to Farm Track, Layout of Hardstanding for the Parking and Manoeuvring of Vehicles, Improvement of Toi, opens in new tab
- Enc. 1 for 055871 - Appeal by Mr. P. Edwards Against the Decision of Flintshire County Council to Refuse Planning Permission for the Improvements and Extension to Farm Track, Layout of Hardstanding for the Parking and Manoeuvring of Vehicles, Improve, opens in new tab
Independent / Annibynnol
Labour / Llafur
Independent / Annibynnol
Labour / Llafur
New Independents / Annibynnwyr Newydd
Labour / Llafur
Independent Alliance / Annibynnol Amhleidiol
Independent Alliance / Annibynnol Amhleidiol
Independent Alliance / Annibynnol Amhleidiol
Liberal Democrats / Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol
Conservative / Geidwadol